Elektrofahrrad fahren ist kinderleicht, umweltfreundlich
und macht viel Spass.
         Mit Elektroenergie sind Sie kostengünstig unterwegs
         (ca. 0,30€ auf 100km) schlagen Sie der Benzinpreiserhöhung
         ein Schnippchen und bleiben dazu körperlich aktiv
         und sind beweglicher als mit dem Auto.
             Ob mit Zweirad oder Dreirad mit dmg movement-
werden Einkaufsfahrten und Ausflüge
             zum Vergnügen, Sie fahren viel öfter Rad als vorher,
             ohne Motor, und das tut Ihrer Gesundheit gut.
             Lachen Sie über verstopfte Strassen und dicken
             Stadtverkehr und steigen um aufs Elektrorad.
Riding bicycle is a Great Pleasure with our Electric Bicycle
• Gearless and Brushless Motor - therefore virtually noiseless
License free, no insurance and helmet requirement
Full Power from the outset through the Pedelec system

 With these wheels, you can set up the Pedelec-speed to different values (6 km / h or 15 km / h for the sick wheelchair variation) also alone with motor power at full capacity. At higher speeds,the strength of the motor support can be freely chosen.The motor can also be turned off and cycled normally.
  Lighting is achieved without dynamo - this is possible through the rotating motor - and, because of the battery in operation. The powerful voltage regulator can supply up to 3A current and therefore halogen emitter can be easily connected. Upon request, we equip the bikes with powerful 5W LED lighting.
  The battery capacity (8-40Ah), which is the possible range. How far you go depends on the quality of your employees and the terrain if you will need lead -fleece or Li - Ion batteries, with an automatically regulated charger, it can be small and portable.
 Easily taken on the wheel, the batteries are 3-5 hours charged full. Part charge in between - is not a problem, as there is no memory effect.

We offer a broad spectrum of different bikes with our electric propulsion system, a focus on three wheels was used.
We use quality wheels of German, Dutch and Danish production. We can also produce special bike configurations
depending on your specifiction.(For further information, click on the wheels)

Elektric Bicycle
E-Trike Easy-Rider
E-Trike Haen-Disco
Partner-Trike Haen-Duo2000
special Bicycle